Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Positive Affirmations & Daily Mantras

I’m in total agreement that self affirmations are hooky, wacky, new-age-y silliness. That is why I LOVE them! The really help, not only do they lift our moods and spirit but they are gentle reminders that we can be better to our selves and to others.

There Are No Coincidences

I was just having an e-mail conversation with my friend Erin, you know the kind of e-mails that go back and forth so fast, we might as well be chatting or talking on the phone... I sent her a little affirmation and it got me thinking about how great they are and why I practice this form of spirit embracing yummieness. (seems like I can turn anything into a blog topic these days)

I am a firm believer I that there are no coincidences and no accidents in this great universe of ours. So when things start to get a a little strange and “coincidental” I slow down and pay attention.

A friend of ours is staying with us for a while, and he gave me a scroll that says.

A Precious Human Life

“Everyday, think as you wake up,
Today I am fortunate to have woken up,
I am alive, I have a precious human life,
I am not going to waste it,
I am going to use
all my energies to develop myself,
to expand my heart out to others,
to achieve enlightenment for
the benefit of all beings,
I am going to have kind
thoughts towards others,
I am not going to get angry,
or think badly about others
I am going to benefit others
as much as I can”

H.H. The XIVth Dalai Lama

This passage is so direct and to the point in the most beautiful way. Loving kindness is not just for Buddhists. You become more fulfilled when the quality of your interactions with other starts from a place of kindness.

Although its not easy to remember when I am screaming inside my car at the person in front of me who seems to have a broken turn signal.

So then...

Then my husband, Jason, told me a story about a guy he worked with that would set his calendar for daily reminders that were all positive affirmations and they would go off at random times... I love this idea and am going to set mine up!

An Amazing Astrologer

I think positive affirmations and daily mantras are fantastic. I read one everyday via my favorite astrologer, Bridgett Walther, and think who else needs one?? So I send an email to someone I think might need a smile. It’s my wacky version of metta bhavana. Sharing loving kindness via email or tweets.

Here is my mantra for today, via the insightfully lovely and talented Bridgett Walther

Today’s Mantra: I organize my business ideas today, especially regarding my start up money. I figure out exactly how I want to get exposure for my product or service and realize that printed materials are often out of date five minutes after they’re printed. So I’m drawn to the internet as the most accessible, affordable tool to market my goods, talents, and services.

I told you she was good.

Now remember

You ARE amazing!

You are doing a great job!
(don’t wait for your boss to tell you that, he’s to busy protecting his own job)

You have what it takes to be successful!

Now I dare you to fill the world with your energy, perspective, and loving kindness.

Here is one of my favorite lines it makes me smile from the inside out.... 

Freedom, blessings, and miracles. Yes, they actually happen.
~ Bridgett you are amazing, thank you for sharing your insight with the rest of us.

I hope you’ll try a few affirmations in your daily practice...

Share some of your favorites in the comments below, don’t worry you won’t have to sign up for anything or even give your email address...
all you have to do is share your thoughts, emotions, rants, raves...


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